Network devices

Network devices allow the low-level access to network interfaces, and provide methods for sending and receiving network frames and additional functions to manage the network access. Circle supports the access to IEEE 802.3 Ethernet and to IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN (WLAN) interfaces. All network device classes are derived from the base class CNetDevice, which defines the low-level API for network applications. Please note, that applications normally use the high-level TCP/IP socket interface, which is provided by the class CSocket.


#include <circle/netdevice.h>
class CNetDevice

This class is the base class for all network device driver classes and defines the low-level API for specific network applications, which want to directly exchange frames via a network interface. Network devices are not registered in the device name service and can be found using the methods CNetDevice::GetNetDevice().


This macro defines the maximum size of a sent or received frame on a network interface. Network buffers usually have this size in Circle.

virtual TNetDeviceType CNetDevice::GetType(void)

Returns the type of this network device, which is one of these:

type TNetDeviceType
  • NetDeviceTypeEthernet

  • NetDeviceTypeWLAN

virtual const CMACAddress *CNetDevice::GetMACAddress(void) const

Returns a pointer to a MAC address object, which holds our own address at this network interface device.

virtual boolean CNetDevice::IsSendFrameAdvisable(void)

Returns TRUE, if it is advisable to call SendFrame().


SendFrame() can be called at any time, but may fail, when the TX queue is full. This method gives a hint, if calling SendFrame() is advisable.

virtual boolean CNetDevice::SendFrame(const void *pBuffer, unsigned nLength)

Sends a valid frame to the network. pBuffer is a pointer to the frame, which does not contain the frame checking sequence (FCS). nLength is the frame length in bytes. The frame does not need to be padded by the application.

virtual boolean CNetDevice::ReceiveFrame(void *pBuffer, unsigned *pResultLength)

Polls for a frame, which has been received via the network interface. pBuffer is a pointer to a buffer, where the frame will be placed, and must have the size FRAME_BUFFER_SIZE. pResultLength is a pointer to a variable, which receives the valid frame length. Returns TRUE, if a frame is returned in the buffer, FALSE, if nothing has been received.

virtual boolean CNetDevice::IsLinkUp(void)

Returns TRUE, if the physical link (PHY) is active.

virtual TNetDeviceSpeed CNetDevice::GetLinkSpeed(void)

Returns the speed of the physical link (PHY), if it is active, or NetDeviceSpeedUnknown, if it is not known. The following link speeds are defined:

type TNetDeviceSpeed
  • NetDeviceSpeed10Half

  • NetDeviceSpeed10Full

  • NetDeviceSpeed100Half

  • NetDeviceSpeed100Full

  • NetDeviceSpeed1000Half

  • NetDeviceSpeed1000Full

  • NetDeviceSpeedUnknown

virtual boolean CNetDevice::UpdatePHY(void)

Updates the device settings according to physical link (PHY) status. Returns FALSE, if this function is not supported.


This method is called continuously every two seconds by the PHY task of the TCP/IP networking subsystem. If you do not use this subsystem, you have to call this method on your own.

static const char *CNetDevice::GetSpeedString(TNetDeviceSpeed Speed)

Returns a description for the link speed value Speed, which normally has been returned from GetLinkSpeed().

static CNetDevice *CNetDevice::GetNetDevice(unsigned nDeviceNumber)

Returns a pointer to the network device object for the zero-based number nDeviceNumber of a network device, or 0, if the device is not available.

static CNetDevice *CNetDevice::GetNetDevice(TNetDeviceType Type)

Returns a pointer to the first network device object of the type Type, which is either a specific network device type (see CNetDevice::GetType()), or NetDeviceTypeAny to search for any network device.


#include <circle/usb/smsc951x.h>
class CSMSC951xDevice : public CUSBFunction, CNetDevice

This class is a driver for the SMSC9512 and SMSC9514 Ethernet network interface devices, which are attached to the internal USB hub of Raspberry Pi 1, 2 and 3 Model B boards. This class is automatically instantiated in the USB device enumeration process, when a device of this type is found. This class does not provide specific methods, its API is defined by the base class CNetDevice.


#include <circle/usb/lan7800.h>
class CLAN7800Device : public CUSBFunction, CNetDevice

This class is a driver for the LAN7800 Gigabit Ethernet network interface device, which is attached to an internal USB hub of the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ board. This class is automatically instantiated in the USB device enumeration process, when a device of this type is found. This class does not provide specific methods, its API is defined by the base class CNetDevice.


#include <circle/usb/usbcdcethernet.h>
class CUSBCDCEthernetDevice : public CUSBFunction, CNetDevice

This class is a driver for the USB CDC Ethernet network interface device, which is supported by QEMU. This class is automatically instantiated in the USB device enumeration process, when a device of this type is found. This class does not provide specific methods, its API is defined by the base class CNetDevice.


#include <circle/bcm54213.h>
class CBcm54213Device : public CNetDevice

This class is a driver for the BCM54213PE Gigabit Ethernet Transceivers of the Raspberry Pi 4, 400 and Compute Module 4. It is instantiated in the TCP/IP networking subsystem, but has to be manually instantiated by applications, which do not use this subsystem. This class does not provide specific methods, its API is defined by the base class CNetDevice.


#include <wlan/bcm4343.h>
class CBcm4343Device : public CNetDevice

This class is a driver for the BCM4343x WLAN interface device of the Raspberry Pi 3, 4 and Zero (2) W. It has to be instantiated manually, and is normally used together with the class CNetSubSystem from the TCP/IP networking subsystem and the class CWPASupplicant from the submodule hostap. This class provides the interface, defined in its base class CNetDevice, and additional methods, which are needed to manage the association with a WLAN access point (AP). The following description covers only the methods, which are specific to this class.

CBcm4343Device::CBcm4343Device(const char *pFirmwarePath)

Creates an instance of this class. pFirmwarePath points to the path, where the firmware files for the WLAN controller are provided (e.g. “SD:/firmware/”).

boolean CBcm4343Device::Initialize(void)

Initializes the WLAN controller and driver. Returns TRUE on success.

void CBcm4343Device::RegisterEventHandler(TBcm4343EventHandler *pHandler, void *pContext)

Registers the event handler pHandler, which is called on some specific WLAN events (e.g. disassociation from AP). pContext is a user pointer, which is handed over to the event handler. pHandler can be 0 to unregister the event handler.

boolean CBcm4343Device::Control(const char *pFormat, ...)

Sends the device specific control command pFormat with optional parameters to the WLAN device driver. Returns TRUE on success.

boolean CBcm4343Device::ReceiveScanResult(void *pBuffer, unsigned *pResultLength)

Polls for a received scan result message. pBuffer is a pointer to a buffer, where the message will be placed. The buffer must have the size FRAME_BUFFER_SIZE. pResultLength is a pointer to a variable, which receives the valid message length. Returns TRUE, if a message is returned in the buffer, or FALSE if nothing has been received.

const CMACAddress *CBcm4343Device::GetBSSID(void)

Returns the BSSID of the associated AP.

boolean CBcm4343Device::JoinOpenNet(const char *pSSID)

Joins the open WLAN network with the SSID pSSID. Returns TRUE on success.

boolean CBcm4343Device::CreateOpenNet(const char *pSSID, int nChannel, bool bHidden)

Creates an open WLAN network (AP mode) with the SSID pSSID on channel nChannel. The SSID is hidden, if bHidden is TRUE. Returns TRUE on success.