TCP/IP networking

This section describes the TCP/IP networking support in Circle. This covers initialization and configuration, the socket API, the available upper layer protocol clients and servers and a few utility classes. The TCP/IP networking support requires the scheduler in the system (see Multitasking).

The following sample programs demonstrate TCP/IP networking features:




Setting the system time from a NTP server


TCP echo server


Simple HTTP webserver


Simple HTTP client (only for reference)


Send log messages to an UDP syslog server


MQTT client


HTTP- and TFTP-based bootloader


#include <circle/net/netsubsystem.h>
class CNetSubSystem

This class represents the TCP/IP support in Circle. There can be only one instance of this class.

CNetSubSystem::CNetSubSystem(const u8 *pIPAddress = 0, const u8 *pNetMask = 0, const u8 *pDefaultGateway = 0, const u8 *pDNSServer = 0, const char *pHostname = "raspberrypi", TNetDeviceType DeviceType = NetDeviceTypeEthernet)

Creates the CNetSubSystem instance. The parameters pIPAddress, pNetMask, pDefaultGateway and pDNSServer point to 4-byte arrays, which define the network configuration (e.g. IP address {192, 168, 0, 42}). Set all these pointers to 0 to enable the dynamic network configuration using DHCP instead. pHostname specifies the host name, which is sent to the DHCP server (0 to disable). DeviceType can be NetDeviceTypeEthernet (default) or NetDeviceTypeWLAN.


Setting DeviceType to NetDeviceTypeWLAN is not enough to access a WLAN. Instead you have to instantiate and initialize the classes CBcm4343Device (WLAN hardware driver), CNetSubSystem and CWPASupplicant (support task for secure WLAN access) in this order. Please see the subsection WLAN support and the WLAN sample for details!

boolean CNetSubSystem::Initialize(boolean bWaitForActivate = TRUE)

Initializes the network subsystem. Usually this method returns after the network configuration has been assigned, if DHCP is enabled. This requires that the DHCP server can be reached and takes some time. If you want to speedup network initialization, you can set the parameter bWaitForActivate to FALSE. Then this method will return immediately after initialization, but you have to test on your own, if the network is available using the method IsRunning(), before accessing the network.

boolean CNetSubSystem::IsRunning(void) const

Returns TRUE, when is TCP/IP network is available and configured. If DHCP is enabled, this means that an IP address is already bound.

CNetConfig *CNetSubSystem::GetConfig(void)

Returns a pointer to the network configuration, which is saved in an instance of the class CNetConfig. This is usually used to inform the user about the dynamically assigned configuration. You should not try to manipulate the configuration using this pointer.

static CNetSubSystem *CNetSubSystem::Get(void)

Returns a pointer to the instance of CNetSubSystem.


#include <circle/net/netconfig.h>
class CNetConfig

An instance of this class holds the configuration of the TCP/IP networking subsystem. A pointer to this instance can be requested using CNetSubSystem::GetConfig(). The following methods can be used to get the different configuration items.

boolean CNetConfig::IsDHCPUsed(void) const

Returns TRUE if the network is configured dynamically using DHCP.

const CIPAddress *CNetConfig::GetIPAddress(void) const

Returns our own IP address.

const u8 *CNetConfig::GetNetMask(void) const

Returns the net mask of the local network, we are connected to.

const CIPAddress *CNetConfig::GetDefaultGateway(void) const

Returns the IP address of the default gateway into the Internet.

const CIPAddress *CNetConfig::GetDNSServer(void) const

Returns the IP address of the Domain Name Service server.

const CIPAddress *CNetConfig::GetBroadcastAddress(void) const

Returns the (directed) broadcast address, which is valid in the local network, we are connected to.


#include <circle/net/socket.h>
#include <circle/net/in.h>              // for IPPROTO_*, MSG_DONTWAIT
#include <circle/netdevice.h>           // for FRAME_BUFFER_SIZE
class CSocket : public CNetSocket

This class forms the API for TCP/IP network access in Circle.


Port numbers at the Circle socket API are in host byte order. This means you do not need to swap the byte order to network order, when you specify a little endian number to an API function.

Operations can be blocking or non-blocking. Blocking operations wait for the completion, before the function returns. Non-blocking operations return immediately, which means that you have to ensure on your own, that the system is not congested, e.g. if sending much data.

CSocket::CSocket(CNetSubSystem *pNetSubSystem, int nProtocol)

Creates a CSocket object, which represents one TCP/IP connection in Circle. pNetSubSystem is a pointer to the network subsystem. nProtocol can be IPPROTO_TCP or IPPROTO_UDP.


Destroys a CSocket object and terminates an active connection.

int CSocket::Bind(u16 usOwnPort)

Binds the port number usOwnPort to this socket. Returns 0 on success or < 0 on error.

int CSocket::Connect(CIPAddress &rForeignIP, u16 usForeignPort)

Connects to a foreign host/port (TCP) or setup a foreign host/port address (UDP). rForeignIP is the IP address of the host to be connected. usForeignPort is the number of the port to be connected. Returns 0 on success or < 0 on error.

int CSocket::Listen(unsigned nBackLog = 4)

Listens for incoming connections (TCP only). You must call Bind() before. nBackLog is the maximum number of simultaneous connections, which may be accepted in a row before Accept() is called (up to 32). Returns 0 on success or < 0 on error.

CSocket *CSocket::Accept(CIPAddress *pForeignIP, u16 *pForeignPort)

Accepts an incoming connection (TCP only). You must call Listen() before. pForeignIP points to a CIPAddress object, which receives the IP address of the remote host. The remote port number will be returned in *pForeignPort. Returns a newly created socket to be used to communicate with the remote host, or 0 on error.

int CSocket::Send(const void *pBuffer, unsigned nLength, int nFlags)

Sends a message to a remote host. pBuffer is a pointer to the message and nLength is its length in bytes. nFlags can be MSG_DONTWAIT (non-blocking operation) or 0 (blocking operation). Returns the length of the sent message or < 0 on error.

int CSocket::Receive(void *pBuffer, unsigned nLength, int nFlags)

Receives a message from a remote host. pBuffer is a pointer to the message buffer and nLength is its size in bytes. nLength should be at least FRAME_BUFFER_SIZE, otherwise data may get lost. nFlags can be MSG_DONTWAIT (non-blocking operation) or 0 (blocking operation). Returns the length of received message, which is 0 with MSG_DONTWAIT if no message is available, or < 0 on error.

int CSocket::SendTo(const void *pBuffer, unsigned nLength, int nFlags, CIPAddress &rForeignIP, u16 nForeignPort)

Sends a message to a specific remote host. pBuffer is a pointer to the message and nLength is its length in bytes. nFlags can be MSG_DONTWAIT (non-blocking operation) or 0 (blocking operation). rForeignIP is the IP address of the host to be sent to (ignored on TCP socket). nForeignPort is the number of the port to be sent to (ignored on TCP socket). Returns the length of the sent message or < 0 on error.

int CSocket::ReceiveFrom(void *pBuffer, unsigned nLength, int nFlags, CIPAddress *pForeignIP, u16 *pForeignPort)

Receives a message from a remote host, returns host/port of remote host. pBuffer is a pointer to the message buffer and nLength is its size in bytes. nLength should be at least FRAME_BUFFER_SIZE, otherwise data may get lost. nFlags can be MSG_DONTWAIT (non-blocking operation) or 0 (blocking operation). pForeignIP is a pointer to a CIPAddress object, which receives the IP address of the host, which has sent the message. The number of the port from which the message has been sent will be returned in *pForeignPort. Returns the length of the received message, which is 0 with MSG_DONTWAIT if no message is available, or < 0 on error.

int CSocket::SetOptionBroadcast(boolean bAllowed)

bAllowed specifies weather sending and receiving broadcast messages is allowed on this socket (default FALSE). Call this with bAllowed = TRUE after Bind() or Connect() to be able to send and/or receive broadcast messages (ignored on TCP socket). Returns 0 on success or < 0 on error.

const u8 *CSocket::GetForeignIP(void) const

Returns a pointer to the IP address of the connected remote host (4 bytes) or 0, if the socket is not connected.



#include <circle/net/dnsclient.h>
class CDNSClient

This class supports the resolve of an Internet domain host name to an IP address.

CDNSClient::CDNSClient(CNetSubSystem *pNetSubSystem)

Creates a CDNSClient object. pNetSubSystem is a pointer to the network subsystem.

boolean CDNSClient::Resolve(const char *pHostname, CIPAddress *pIPAddress)

Resolves the host name pHostname to an IP address, returned in *pIPAddress. pHostname can be a dotted IP address string (e.g. “”) too, which will be converted. Returns TRUE on success.


#include <circle/net/httpclient.h>
#include <circle/net/http.h>            // for THTTPStatus
class CHTTPClient

This class can be used to generate requests to a HTTP server.


In the Internet of today there are only a few webservers any more, which provide plain HTTP access. For HTTPS (HTTP over TLS) access with Circle you can use the circle-stdlib project, which includes Circle as a submodule.

CHTTPClient::CHTTPClient(CNetSubSystem *pNetSubSystem, CIPAddress &rServerIP, u16 usServerPort = HTTP_PORT, const char *pServerName = 0)

Creates a CHTTPClient object. pNetSubSystem is a pointer to the network subsystem. rServerIP is the IP address of the server and usServerPort the server port to connect. pServerName is the host name of the server, which is required for the access to virtual servers (multiple websites with different host names, hosted on the same server).

THTTPStatus CHTTPClient::Get(const char *pPath, u8 *pBuffer, unsigned *pLength)

Sends a GET request to the server. pPath is the absolute path of the requested document, optionally with appended parameters:


The received content will be returned in pBuffer. *pLength is the buffer size in bytes on input and the received content length on output. Returns the HTTP status (HTTPOK on success).

THTTPStatus CHTTPClient::Post(const char *pPath, u8 *pBuffer, unsigned *pLength, const char *pFormData)

Sends a POST request to the server. pPath is the absolute path of the requested document, optionally with appended parameters:


The received content will be returned in pBuffer. *pLength is the buffer size in bytes on input and the received content length on output. pFormData are the posted parameters in this format:


Returns the HTTP status (HTTPOK on success).


#include <circle/net/ntpclient.h>
class CNTPClient

This class can be used to request the current time from a Network Time Protocol server.

CNTPClient::CNTPClient(CNetSubSystem *pNetSubSystem)

Creates a CNTPClient object. pNetSubSystem is a pointer to the network subsystem.

unsigned CNTPClient::GetTime(CIPAddress &rServerIP)

Requests the current time from a NTP server. rServerIP is the IP address from the NTP server, which can be resolved using the class CDNSClient. Returns the current time in seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC, or 0 on error.


#include <circle/net/ntpdaemon.h>
class CNTPDaemon : public CTask

This class is a background task, which continuously (all 15 minutes) updates the Circle system time from a NTP server. It uses the class CNTPClient.

CNTPDaemon::CNTPDaemon(const char *pNTPServer, CNetSubSystem *pNetSubSystem)

Creates the CNTPDaemon task. pNTPServer is the host name of the NTP server (e.g. “”). pNetSubSystem is a pointer to the network subsystem. This object must be created using the new operator.


#include <circle/net/mqttclient.h>
class CMQTTClient : public CTask

This class is a client for the MQTT protocol, according to the MQTT v3.1.1 specification. It is implemented as a task. To use this class, you have to derive a user defined class from CMQTTClient and override its virtual methods. The task must be created with the new operator.


This implementation does not support multi-byte-characters in strings.

CMQTTClient::CMQTTClient(CNetSubSystem *pNetSubSystem, size_t nMaxPacketSize = 1024, size_t nMaxPacketsQueued = 4, size_t nMaxTopicSize = 256)

Creates a CMQTTClient task. pNetSubSystem is a pointer to the network subsystem. nMaxPacketSize is the maximum allowed size of a MQTT packet sent or received (topic size + payload size + a few bytes protocol overhead). nMaxPacketsQueued is the maximum number of MQTT packets queue-able on receive. If processing a received packet takes longer, further packets have to be queued. nMaxTopicSize is the maximum allowed size of a received topic string.

boolean CMQTTClient::IsConnected(void) const

Returns TRUE if an active connection to the MQTT broker exists.

void CMQTTClient::Connect(const char *pHost, u16 usPort = MQTT_PORT, const char *pClientIdentifier = 0, const char *pUsername = 0, const char *pPassword = 0, u16 usKeepAliveSeconds = 60, boolean bCleanSession = TRUE, const char *pWillTopic = 0, u8 uchWillQoS = 0, boolean bWillRetain = FALSE, const u8 *pWillPayload = 0, size_t nWillPayloadLength = 0)

Establishes a connection to the MQTT broker pHost (host name or IP address as a dotted string). usPort is the port number of the MQTT broker service (default 1883). pClientIdentifier is the identifier string of this client (if 0 set internally to raspiNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN, N = hex digits of the serial number). pUsername is the user name for authorization (0 if not required). pPassword is the password for authorization (0 if not required). usKeepAliveSeconds is the duration of the keep alive period in seconds (default 60). bCleanSession specifies, if this should be a clean MQTT session. (default TRUE).

pWillTopic is the topic string for the last will message (no last will message if 0). uchWillQoS is the QoS setting for last will message (default unused). bWillRetain is the retain parameter for last will message (default unused). pWillPayload is a pointer to the last will message payload (default unused). nWillPayloadLength is the length of the last will message payload (default unused).

void CMQTTClient::Disconnect(boolean bForce = FALSE)

Closes the connection to a MQTT broker. bForce forces a TCP disconnect only and does not send a MQTT DISCONNECT packet.

void CMQTTClient::Subscribe(const char *pTopic, u8 uchQoS = MQTT_QOS2)

Subscribes to the MQTT topic pTopic (may include wildchars). uchQoS is the maximum QoS value for receiving messages with this topic (default QoS 2).

void CMQTTClient::Unsubscribe(const char *pTopic)

Unsubscribes from the MQTT topic pTopic.

void CMQTTClient::Publish(const char *pTopic, const u8 *pPayload = 0, size_t nPayloadLength = 0, u8 uchQoS = MQTT_QOS1, boolean bRetain = FALSE)

Publishes the MQTT topic pTopic. pPayload is a pointer to the message payload (default unused). nPayloadLength is the length of the message payload (default 0). uchQoS is the QoS value for sending the PUBLISH message (default QoS 1). bRetain is the retain parameter for the message (default FALSE).

virtual void CMQTTClient::OnConnect(boolean bSessionPresent)

This is a callback entered when the connection to the MQTT broker has been established. bSessionPresent specifies, if a session was already present on the server for this client.

virtual void CMQTTClient::OnDisconnect(TMQTTDisconnectReason Reason)

This is a callback entered when the connection to the MQTT broker has been closed. Reason is the reason for closing the connection, which can be:

enum TMQTTDisconnectReason
        MQTTDisconnectFromApplication                   = 0,

        // CONNECT errors
        MQTTDisconnectUnacceptableProtocolVersion       = 1,
        MQTTDisconnectIdentifierRejected                = 2,
        MQTTDisconnectServerUnavailable                 = 3,
        MQTTDisconnectBadUsernameOrPassword             = 4,
        MQTTDisconnectNotAuthorized                     = 5,

        // additional errors

virtual void CMQTTClient::OnMessage(const char *pTopic, const u8 *pPayload, size_t nPayloadLength, boolean bRetain)

This is a callback entered when a PUBLISH message has been received for a subscribed topic. pTopic is the topic of the received message. pPayload is a pointer to the payload of the received message. nPayloadLength is the length of the payload of the received message. bRetain is the retain parameter of the received message.

virtual void CMQTTClient::OnLoop(void)

This is a callback regularly entered from the MQTT client task.


#include <circle/net/syslogdaemon.h>
class CSysLogDaemon : public CTask

This class is a background task, which sends the messages from the System log to a RFC5424/RFC5426 syslog server via UDP.

CSysLogDaemon::CSysLogDaemon(CNetSubSystem *pNetSubSystem, const CIPAddress &rServerIP, u16 usServerPort = SYSLOG_PORT)

Creates the CSysLogDaemon task. pNetSubSystem is a pointer to the network subsystem. rServerIP is the IP address of the syslog server. usServerPort is the port number of the syslog server (default 514). This object must be created using the new operator.



#include <circle/net/httpdaemon.h>
#include <circle/net/http.h>            // for THTTPStatus
class CHTTPDaemon : public CTask

This class implements a simple HTTP server as a task. You have to derive a user class from it, override the virtual methods and create it using the new operator to start it.


This class uses a listener/worker model. The initially created task listens for incoming requests (listener) and spawns a child task (worker), which processes the request and terminates afterwards.

CHTTPDaemon::CHTTPDaemon(CNetSubSystem *pNetSubSystem, CSocket *pSocket = 0, unsigned nMaxContentSize = 0, u16 nPort = HTTP_PORT, unsigned nMaxMultipartSize = 0)

Creates the CHTTPDaemon task. pNetSubSystem is a pointer to the network subsystem. pSocket is 0 for first created instance (listener). nMaxContentSize is the buffer size for the content of the created worker tasks. Set this parameter to the maximum length in bytes of a webpage, which is generated by your server. nPort is the port number to listen on (default 80). nMaxMultipartSize is the buffer size for received multipart form data. If your server receives requests, which include multipart form data, this parameter must be set to the maximum length of this data, which you want to process.

virtual CHTTPDaemon *CHTTPDaemon::CreateWorker(CNetSubSystem *pNetSubSystem, CSocket *pSocket) = 0

Creates a worker instance of your derived webserver class. pNetSubSystem is a pointer to the network subsystem. pSocket is the socket that manages the incoming connection. Both parameters have to be handed over to the constructor of your derived webserver class, to be passed to CHTTPDaemon::CHTTPDaemon. See this example:

class CMyWebServer : public CHTTPDaemon
        CMyWebServer (CNetSubSystem *pNetSubSystem,
                      CActLED       *pActLED,      // some user data
                      CSocket       *pSocket = 0); // 0 for first instance

        CHTTPDaemon *CreateWorker (CNetSubSystem *pNetSubSystem,
                                   CSocket       *pSocket);

#define MAX_CONTENT_SIZE        4000    // maximum content size of your pages

CMyWebServer::CMyWebServer (CNetSubSystem *pNetSubSystem,
                            CActLED       *pActLED,
                            CSocket       *pSocket)
:       CHTTPDaemon (pNetSubSystem, pSocket, MAX_CONTENT_SIZE),
        m_pActLED (pActLED)

CHTTPDaemon *CMyWebServer::CreateWorker (CNetSubSystem *pNetSubSystem,
                                         CSocket       *pSocket)
        return new CMyWebServer (pNetSubSystem, m_pActLED, pSocket);
virtual THTTPStatus CHTTPDaemon::GetContent(const char *pPath, const char *pParams, const char *pFormData, u8 *pBuffer, unsigned *pLength, const char **ppContentType) = 0

Define this method to provide your own content. pPath is the path of the file to be sent (e.g. “/index.html”, can be “/” too). pParams are the GET parameters (”” for none). pFormData contains the parameters from the form data from POST (”” for none). Copy your content to pBuffer. *pLength is the buffer size in bytes on input and the content length on output. *ppContentType must be set to the MIME type, if it is not “text/html”. This method has to return the HTTP status (HTTPOK on success).

virtual void CHTTPDaemon::WriteAccessLog(const CIPAddress &rRemoteIP, THTTPRequestMethod RequestMethod, const char *pRequestURI, THTTPStatus Status, unsigned nContentLength)

Overwrite this method to implement your own access logging. rRemoteIP is the IP address of the client. RequestMethod is the method of the request and pRequestURI its URI. Status and nContentLength specify the returned HTTP status number and the length of the sent content. The default implementation of this method writes a message to the System log.

boolean CHTTPDaemon::GetMultipartFormPart(const char **ppHeader, const u8 **ppData, unsigned *pLength)

This method can be called from GetContent() and returns the next part of multipart form data (TRUE if available). This data is not available after returning from GetContent() any more. *ppHeader returns a pointer to the part header. *ppData returns a pointer to part data. *pLength returns the part data length.


#include <circle/net/tftpdaemon.h>
class CTFTPDaemon : public CTask

This class provides a server task for the TFTP protocol. You have to implement the pure virtual methods in a derived class, start the task with the new operator and will be able to receive and handle TFTP requests. This server can handle only one connection at a time, and works in binary mode only. The TFTP fileserver sample demonstrates the usage of this class.

CTFTPDaemon::CTFTPDaemon(CNetSubSystem *pNetSubSystem)

Creates the CTFTPDaemon task. pNetSubSystem is a pointer to the network subsystem.

virtual boolean CTFTPDaemon::FileOpen(const char *pFileName) = 0

Virtual method entered to open a file for read to be sent via TFTP. pFileName is the file name sent by the client. Returns TRUE on success.

virtual boolean CTFTPDaemon::FileCreate(const char *pFileName) = 0

Virtual method entered to create a file for write to be received via TFTP. pFileName is the file name sent by the client. Returns TRUE on success.

virtual boolean CTFTPDaemon::FileClose(void) = 0

Virtual method entered to close the currently open file. Returns TRUE on success.

virtual int CTFTPDaemon::FileRead(void *pBuffer, unsigned nCount) = 0

Virtual method entered to read nCount bytes from the currently open file into pBuffer. Returns the number of bytes read, or < 0 on error.

virtual int CTFTPDaemon::FileWrite(const void *pBuffer, unsigned nCount) = 0

Virtual method entered to write nCount bytes from pBuffer into the currently open file. Returns the number of bytes written, or < 0 on error.



#include <circle/net/ipaddress.h>

The size of an IP (v4) address (4 bytes).

class CIPAddress

This class encapsulates an IP (v4) address.

CIPAddress::CIPAddress(u32 nAddress)
CIPAddress::CIPAddress(const u8 *pAddress)
CIPAddress::CIPAddress(const CIPAddress &rAddress)

Creates an CIPAddress object. Initialize it from different address formats.

boolean CIPAddress::operator==(const CIPAddress &rAddress2) const
boolean CIPAddress::operator!=(const CIPAddress &rAddress2) const
boolean CIPAddress::operator==(const u8 *pAddress2) const
boolean CIPAddress::operator!=(const u8 *pAddress2) const
boolean CIPAddress::operator==(u32 nAddress2) const
boolean CIPAddress::operator!=(u32 nAddress2) const

Compares this IP address with a second IP address in different formats.

CIPAddress &CIPAddress::operator=(u32 nAddress)

Assign a new IP address nAddress.

void CIPAddress::Set(u32 nAddress)
void CIPAddress::Set(const u8 *pAddress)
void CIPAddress::Set(const CIPAddress &rAddress)

Sets the IP address in different formats.

void CIPAddress::SetBroadcast(void)

Sets the IP address to the broadcast address (

CIPAddress::operator u32(void) const

Returns the IP address as u32 value.

const u8 *CIPAddress::Get(void) const

Returns a pointer to the IP address as an array with 4 bytes.

void CIPAddress::CopyTo(u8 *pBuffer) const

Copy the IP address to a buffer (4 bytes).

boolean CIPAddress::IsNull(void) const

Returns TRUE, if the IP address components are all zero (

boolean CIPAddress::IsBroadcast(void) const

Returns TRUE if the IP address is the broadcast address (

unsigned CIPAddress::GetSize(void) const

Returns the size of an IP (v4) address (4).

void CIPAddress::Format(CString *pString) const

Sets *pString to the dotted string representation of the IP address.

boolean CIPAddress::OnSameNetwork(const CIPAddress &rAddress2, const u8 *pNetMask) const

Returns TRUE, if this IP address is on the same network as rAddress2 with pNetMask applied.


#include <circle/macaddress.h>


This class is belongs to the Circle base library, because it is needed there to implement non-USB network device drivers.


The size of an (Ethernet) MAC address (6 bytes).

class CMACAddress

This class encapsulates an (Ethernet) MAC address.


Creates an CMACAddress object. The address is initialized as “invalid” and must be set, before it can be read.

CMACAddress::CMACAddress(const u8 *pAddress)

Creates an CMACAddress object. Set it from pAddress, which points to an array with 6 bytes.

boolean CMACAddress::operator==(const CMACAddress &rAddress2) const
boolean CMACAddress::operator!=(const CMACAddress &rAddress2) const

Compares this MAC address with a second MAC address.

void CMACAddress::Set(const u8 *pAddress)

Sets the MAC address to pAddress, which points to an array with 6 bytes.

void CMACAddress::SetBroadcast(void)

Sets the MAC address to the (Ethernet) broadcast address (FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF).

const u8 *CMACAddress::Get(void) const

Returns a pointer to the MAC address as an array with 6 bytes.

void CMACAddress::CopyTo(u8 *pBuffer) const

Copy the MAC address to a buffer (6 bytes).

boolean CMACAddress::IsBroadcast(void) const

Returns TRUE if the MAC address is the (Ethernet) broadcast address (FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF).

unsigned CMACAddress::GetSize(void) const

Returns the size of an (Ethernet) MAC address (6).

void CMACAddress::Format(CString *pString) const

Sets *pString to the string representation of the MAC address.

WLAN support

The WLAN support in Circle is based on three elements:

  1. Driver class CBcm4343Device for the WLAN hardware

  2. TCP/IP networking subsystem, which is instantiated with the class CNetSubSystem

  3. WPA Supplicant library, which is built from the submodule hostap, and is instantiated via the wrapper class CWPASupplicant

To enable WLAN support in Circle, these elements have to be created and initialized in this order. This is demonstrated in the WLAN sample. The third element is only required to use secure WLAN networks.


The TCP/IP networking subsystem must be configured to use the WLAN device (NetDeviceTypeWLAN) and must be initialized, without waiting for an IP address from the DHCP server (with the parameter FALSE). Because the DHCP protocol requires WPA Supplicant to work, CNetSubSystem::Initialize() would never return otherwise.


#include <wlan/hostap/wpa_supplicant/wpasupplicant.h>
class CWPASupplicant

This class is a wrapper for the well-known WPA Supplicant application, which has been ported to Circle as a library. An instance of this class is required for connecting to secure (i.e. WPA2) WLAN networks. The WLAN hardware driver CBcm4343Device and the TCP/IP networking subsystem must already running, when WPA Supplicant is initialized.

CWPASupplicant::CWPASupplicant(const char *pConfigFile)

Creates an instance of this class. pConfigFile is the path to the configuration file (e.g. “SD:/wpa_supplicant.conf”).

boolean CWPASupplicant::Initialize(void)

Initializes the WPA Supplicant module and automatically starts to connect to one of the WLAN networks, which have been configured in the configuration file.

boolean CWPASupplicant::IsConnected(void) const

Returns TRUE, if a connection to a configured WLAN network is currently active.