System log

Circle uses a system log facility throughout the system to report status information from other system facilities or devices to the user. It is recommended to use this log facility from application code too and this is implemented in all Circle sample programs. While an application may write information messages directly to a device, the log facility provides additional services and is a standard tool for collecting status information in Circle. The system log is implemented by the class CLogger.


#include <circle/logger.h>
class CLogger

There is exactly one or no instance of CLogger in the system. Only relatively simple programs can work without an instance of CLogger.


CLogger::CLogger(unsigned nLogLevel, CTimer *pTimer = 0, boolean bOverwriteOldest = TRUE)

Creates the instance of CLogger. nLogLevel (0-4) determines, which log messages are included in the system log. Only messages with a log level smaller or equal to nLogLevel are considered. pTimer is a pointer to the system timer object. The time is not logged, if pTimer is zero. The following log levels are defined:






Halt the system after processing this message



Severe error in this component, system may continue to work



Non-severe problem, component continues to work



Informative message, which is interesting for the system user



Message, which is only interesting for debugging this component

Set bOverwriteOldest to FALSE, if you want to keep old log messages for Read(), even when the text ring buffer is full (see Read the log).

boolean CLogger::Initialize(CDevice *pTarget)

Initializes the system log facility. Returns TRUE on success. pTarget is a pointer to the device, to which the log messages will be written.

void CLogger::SetNewTarget(CDevice *pTarget)

Sets the target for the log messages to a new device.

static CLogger *CLogger::Get(void)

Returns a pointer to the only instance of CLogger.

Write the log

void CLogger::Write(const char *pSource, TLogSeverity Severity, const char *pMessage, ...)

Writes a message from the module pSource with Severity (see table above) to the log. The message can be composed using format specifiers as supported by CString::Format().

void CLogger::WriteV(const char *pSource, TLogSeverity Severity, const char *pMessage, va_list Args)

Same function as Write(), but the message parameters are given as va_list.

Read the log

CLogger has a 16K (LOGGER_BUFSIZE) sized text ring buffer, which saves the written log messages. If this buffer is full, old messages will be overwritten by default. This behavior can be changed with the parameter bOverwriteOldest of the constructor.

int CLogger::Read(void *pBuffer, unsigned nCount, boolean bClear = TRUE)

Reads and deletes maximal nCount characters from the log buffer. The read characters will be returned in pBuffer. Set bClear to TRUE to remove the returned bytes from the buffer or to FALSE to keep them. Returns the number of characters actually read.

boolean CLogger::ReadEvent(TLogSeverity *pSeverity, char *pSource, char *pMessage, time_t *pTime, unsigned *pHundredthTime, int *pTimeZone)

Returns the next log event (message) from a log event queue with maximal 50 entries or FALSE, if the queue is empty. The buffers at pSource and pMessage must have the sizes LOG_MAX_SOURCE and LOG_MAX_MESSAGE. This queue is normally used by the class CSysLogDaemon, which sends log messages to a syslog server.

Log event notification

void CLogger::RegisterEventNotificationHandler(TLogEventNotificationHandler *pHandler)

Registers a callback function, which is executed, when a log event (message) arrives. This is normally used by the class CSysLogDaemon, which sends log messages to a syslog server. TLogEventNotificationHandler has the following prototype:

void TLogEventNotificationHandler (void);
void CLogger::RegisterPanicHandler(TLogPanicHandler *pHandler)

Registers a callback function, which is executed, before a system halt, which is triggered by a log message with severity LogPanic. This is normally used by the class CSysLogDaemon, which sends log messages to a syslog server. If CSysLogDaemon is not in the system, RegisterPanicHandler() can be used for other application purposes. TLogPanicHandler has to following prototype:

void TLogPanicHandler (void);

Quick access

The following macros allow a quick access to the system log.


Defines the C-string name as a name for this source module for generating log messages with the macros below.

LOGPANIC(format, ...)
LOGERR(format, ...)
LOGWARN(format, ...)
LOGNOTE(format, ...)
LOGDBG(format, ...)

Writes a message with the given severity, format and optional parameters to the system log using the module name defined with LOGMODULE().