Direct Memory Access (DMA)

Circle supports Direct Memory Access (DMA) using the platform DMA controller of the Raspberry Pi. This is implemented in the class CDMAChannel.


#include <circle/dmachannel.h>
class CDMAChannel
CDMAChannel::CDMAChannel(unsigned nChannel, CInterruptSystem *pInterruptSystem = 0)

Creates an instance of CDMAChannel and allocates a channel of the platform DMA controller. nChannel must be DMA_CHANNEL_NORMAL (normal DMA engine), DMA_CHANNEL_LITE (lite (or normal) DMA engine), DMA_CHANNEL_EXTENDED (“large address” DMA4 engine, on Raspberry Pi 4 only) or an explicit channel number (0-15). pInterruptSystem is a pointer to the instance of CInterruptSystem and is only needed for interrupt operation.

void CDMAChannel::SetupMemCopy(void *pDestination, const void *pSource, size_t nLength, unsigned nBurstLength = 0, boolean bCached = TRUE)

Setup a DMA memory copy transfer from pSource to pDestination with length nLength. nBurstLength > 0 increases the speed, but may congest the system bus. bCached determines, if the source and destination address ranges are in cached memory.

void CDMAChannel::SetupIORead(void *pDestination, u32 nIOAddress, size_t nLength, TDREQ DREQ)

Setup a DMA read transfer from the I/O port nIOAddress to pDestination with length nLength. DREQ paces the transfer from these devices:

  • DREQSourceNone (no wait)

  • DREQSourceEMMC


  • DREQSourceSMI



void CDMAChannel::SetupIOWrite(u32 nIOAddress, const void *pSource, size_t nLength, TDREQ DREQ)

Setup a DMA write transfer to the I/O port nIOAddress from pSource with length nLength. DREQ paces the transfer to these devices:

  • DREQSourceNone (no wait)

  • DREQSourceEMMC


  • DREQSourcePWM

  • DREQSourcePWM1 (on Raspberry Pi 4 only)

  • DREQSourceSMI



void CDMAChannel::SetupMemCopy2D(void *pDestination, const void *pSource, size_t nBlockLength, unsigned nBlockCount, size_t nBlockStride, unsigned nBurstLength = 0)

Setup a 2D DMA memory copy transfer of nBlockCount blocks of nBlockLength length from pSource to pDestination. Skip nBlockStride bytes after each block on destination. Source is continuous. The destination cache, if any, is not touched. nBurstLength > 0 increases speed, but may congest the system bus. This method can be used to copy data to the framebuffer and is not supported with DMA_CHANNEL_LITE.

void CDMAChannel::SetCompletionRoutine(TDMACompletionRoutine *pRoutine, void *pParam)

Sets a DMA completion routine for interrupt operation. pRoutine is called, when the transfer is completed. pParam is a user parameter, which is handed over to the completion routine. TDMACompletionRoutine has the following prototype:

void TDMACompletionRoutine (unsigned nChannel, boolean bStatus, void *pParam);

nChannel is the channel number. bStatus is TRUE, if the transfer completed successfully.

void CDMAChannel::Start(void)

Starts the DMA transfer, which has been setup before.

boolean CDMAChannel::Wait(void)

Waits for the completion of the DMA transfer (for synchronous non-interrupt operation without completion routine). Returns TRUE, if the transfer was successful.

boolean CDMAChannel::GetStatus(void)

Returns TRUE, if the last completed transfer was successful.

DMA buffers

#include <circle/synchronize.h>
DMA_BUFFER(type, name, num)

Defines a buffer with name and num elements of type to be used for DMA transfers.

See doc/dma-buffer-requirements.txt for more information on DMA buffers.

Cache maintenance

#include <circle/synchronize.h>
void CleanAndInvalidateDataCacheRange(uintptr nAddress, size_t nLength)

Cleans and invalidates a memory range in the data cache.