GPIO access

This section presents the Circle classes, which implement digital input/output operations, using the pins exposed on the 40-pin GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) header of the Raspberry Pi (26-pin on older models). This covers writing and reading a single or all exposed GPIO pin(s), providing GPIO clocks for different purposes (e.g. for Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) output), triggering interrupts from GPIO pins, using I2C and SPI interfaces, and switching the (green) Act LED.

Please see these documents for a description of the GPIO hardware:

The first document is also valid for the Raspberry Pi 2, 3 and Zero 2 with some modifications (e.g. I/O base address).


The Circle documentation (including all READMEs) uses SoC (BCM) numbers (0-53), when referring to specific GPIO pins. These numbers are different from the physical pin position numbers (1-40) on the GPIO header. Please see for the mapping of SoC numbers to the header position.


This class encapsulates a GPIO pin, which can be read, write or inverted. A GPIO pin can trigger an interrupt, when a specific GPIO event occurs.

#include <circle/gpiopin.h>
class CGPIOPin

Number of available GPIO pins (54).



Default constructor. Object must be initialized afterwards using AssignPin(), SetMode() and optionally SetPullMode().

CGPIOPin::CGPIOPin(unsigned nPin, TGPIOMode Mode, CGPIOManager *pManager = 0)

Creates and initializes a CGPIOPin instance for GPIO pin number nPin, set pin mode Mode. pManager must be specified only, if this pin will trigger interrupts (IRQ). nPin can have a numeric value (0-53) or these special values:

  • GPIOPinAudioLeft (GPIO pin, which gates the left PWM audio channel)

  • GPIOPinAudioRight (GPIO pin, which gates the right PWM audio channel)

Mode can have these values:

  • GPIOModeInput

  • GPIOModeOutput

  • GPIOModeInputPullUp

  • GPIOModeInputPullDown

  • GPIOModeAlternateFunction0

  • GPIOModeAlternateFunction1

  • GPIOModeAlternateFunction2

  • GPIOModeAlternateFunction3

  • GPIOModeAlternateFunction4

  • GPIOModeAlternateFunction5

void CGPIOPin::AssignPin(unsigned nPin)

Assigns a GPIO pin number to the object. To be used together with the default constructor and SetMode(). See CGPIOPin::CGPIOPin() for the possible values for nPin.

void CGPIOPin::SetMode(TGPIOMode Mode, boolean bInitPin = TRUE)

Sets GPIO pin to Mode. See CGPIOPin::CGPIOPin() for the possible values. If bInitPin is TRUE, this method initializes the pull-up/down mode and output level (LOW) too. To be used together with the default constructor and AssignPin() or for dynamic changes of the direction for input/output pins.

void CGPIOPin::SetPullMode(TGPIOPullMode Mode)

Sets the pull-up/down mode to one of the following values:

  • GPIOPullModeOff

  • GPIOPullModeDown

  • GPIOPullModeUp

Input / Output

void CGPIOPin::Write(unsigned nValue)

Sets the GPIO pin to nValue (output), which can be LOW (0) or HIGH (1).

unsigned CGPIOPin::Read(void) const

Returns the value, read from the GPIO pin (input). Can be LOW (0) or HIGH (1).

void CGPIOPin::Invert(void)

Sets the GPIO pin to the inverted value. For output pins only.

static void CGPIOPin::WriteAll(u32 nValue, u32 nMask)

Sets the GPIO pins 0-31 at once. nValue specifies the levels of GPIO pins 0-31 in the respective bits to be written, where nMask is a bit mask for the written value. Only those GPIO pins are affected, for which the respective bit is set in nMask. The other pins are not touched.

static u32 CGPIOPin::ReadAll(void)

Returns the level of the GPIO pins 0-31 in the respective bits.


A GPIO pin can trigger an interrupt (IRQ) under certain conditions. The CGPIOPin object must be initialized with a pointer to an instance of the class CGPIOManager for this purpose. There is maximal one instance of CGPIOManager in the system.

void CGPIOPin::ConnectInterrupt(TGPIOInterruptHandler *pHandler, void *pParam, boolean bAutoAck = TRUE)

Connects the interrupt handler function pHandler to the GPIO pin, to be called on a GPIO event. pParam is a user parameter, which will be handed over to the interrupt handler. If bAutoAck is TRUE, the GPIO event detect status will be automatically acknowledged, when the interrupt occurs. Otherwise, the interrupt handler must call AcknowledgeInterrupt(). The GPIO interrupt handler has the following prototype:

void TGPIOInterruptHandler (void *pParam);
void CGPIOPin::DisconnectInterrupt(void)

Disconnects the interrupt handler from the GPIO pin. The interrupt source(s) must be disabled before using DisableInterrupt() and DisableInterrupt2(), if they were enabled before.

void CGPIOPin::EnableInterrupt(TGPIOInterrupt Interrupt)

Enables a specific event condition to trigger an interrupt for this GPIO pin. Interrupt can be:

  • GPIOInterruptOnRisingEdge

  • GPIOInterruptOnFallingEdge

  • GPIOInterruptOnHighLevel

  • GPIOInterruptOnLowLevel

  • GPIOInterruptOnAsyncRisingEdge

  • GPIOInterruptOnAsyncFallingEdge

void CGPIOPin::DisableInterrupt(void)

Disables a previously enabled event condition from triggering an interrupt.

void CGPIOPin::EnableInterrupt2(TGPIOInterrupt Interrupt)

Same function as EnableInterrupt() for a second interrupt source.

void CGPIOPin::DisableInterrupt2(void)

Same function as DisableInterrupt() for a second interrupt source.

void CGPIOPin::AcknowledgeInterrupt(void)

Manually acknowledges the GPIO event detect status. To be called from the from interrupt handler, if bAutoAck was FALSE, when calling ConnectInterrupt().


This class encapsulates a special GPIO pin, which is using the FIQ (Fast Interrupt Request) to handle GPIO interrupts with low latency. There is only one GPIO pin of this type allowed in the system.

#include <circle/gpiopinfiq.h>
class CGPIOPinFIQ : public CGPIOPin

CGPIOPinFIQ is derived from CGPIOPin and inherits its methods. For initialization it provides this special constructor:

CGPIOPinFIQ::CGPIOPinFIQ(unsigned nPin, TGPIOMode Mode, CInterruptSystem *pInterrupt)

The parameters are the same as for CGPIOPin::CGPIOPin(), with one exception: pInterrupt is a pointer the single interrupt system object in the system. A CGPIOPinFIQ object does not need an instance of CGPIOManager to generate interrupts.


This class implements an interrupt multiplexer for CGPIOPin instances. There must be exactly one instance of CGPIOManager in the system, if at least one GPIO pin triggers interrupts using the IRQ.

#include <circle/gpiomanager.h>
class CGPIOManager
CGPIOManager::CGPIOManager(CInterruptSystem *pInterrupt)

Creates a CGPIOManager instance. pInterrupt is a pointer to the interrupt system object.

boolean CGPIOManager::Initialize(void)

Initializes the CGPIOManager object. Usually called from CKernel::Initialize(). Returns TRUE, if the initialization was successful.


A GPIO clock is a programmable digital clock generator. A Raspberry Pi computer provides several of these clocks. Their output is used for special system purposes (e.g. for the PWM and PCM / I2S devices) or can be directly connected to some GPIO pins. GPIO clocks are driven by an internal clock source with a specific clock frequency.

#include <circle/gpioclock.h>
class CGPIOClock
CGPIOClock::CGPIOClock(TGPIOClock Clock, TGPIOClockSource Source = GPIOClockSourceUnknown)

Creates a CGPIOClock instance for GPIO clock Clock with clock source Source. Clock can be:


Connected to


GPIO4 (ALT0) or GPIO20 (ALT5)


GPIO5 (ALT0) or GPIO21 (ALT5), Raspberry Pi 4 only




PCM / I2S device


PWM device

The respective GPIO pin has to be set to the given GPIOModeAlternateFunctionN (ALTn), using a CGPIOPin object, so that the signal can be accessed at the GPIO header. Source can be:


Raspberry Pi 1-3

Raspberry Pi 4


19.2 MHz

54 MHz


1000 MHz (varies)

1000 MHz (may vary)


500 MHz

750 MHz


216 MHz


If Source is set to GPIOClockSourceUnknown, the clock source is selected automatically, when StartRate() is called.

void CGPIOClock::Start(unsigned nDivI, unsigned nDivF = 0, unsigned nMASH = 0)

Starts the clock using the given integer divider nDivI (1-4095). The MASH modes with nDivF > 0 are described in the BCM2835 ARM Peripherals document.

boolean CGPIOClock::StartRate(unsigned nRateHZ)

Starts the clock with the given target frequency nRateHZ in Hertz. Assigns the clock source automatically. Returns FALSE, if the requested rate cannot be generated.

void CGPIOClock::Stop(void)

Stops the clock.


This class provides access to the Pulse Width Modulator (PWM) device, which can be used to generate (pseudo) analog signals on the GPIO pins 18 and 19 (two channels). These pins have to be set to GPIOModeAlternateFunction5 using the class CGPIOPin for that purpose.

#include <circle/pwmoutput.h>
class CPWMOutput
CPWMOutput::CPWMOutput(TGPIOClockSource Source, unsigned nDivider, unsigned nRange, boolean bMSMode)

Creates a CPWMOutput object with clock source Source and the divider nDivider (equivalent to nDivI, 1-4095). See CGPIOClock for these parameters. For the parameters nRange (Range) and bMSMode (M/S mode) see the BCM2835 ARM Peripherals document.

void CPWMOutput::Start(void)

Starts the PWM clock and device.

void CPWMOutput::Stop(void)

Stops the PWM clock and device.

void CPWMOutput::Write(unsigned nChannel, unsigned nValue)

Write nValue (0-Range) to PWM channel nChannel (1 or 2).


Macros to be used for the nChannel parameter.


This class is a driver for the I2C master devices of the Raspberry Pi computer. The GPIO pin mapping for the I2C master devices is as follows:


nConfig 0 (SDA SCL)

nConfig 1 (SDA SCL)

nConfig 2 (SDA SCL)

Raspberry Pi boards





Rev. 1, other



All other







Raspberry Pi 4 only





Raspberry Pi 4 only





Raspberry Pi 4 only



Raspberry Pi 4 only

The Read() and Write() methods (see below) may return the following error codes as a negative value:




Invalid parameter


Received a NACK


Received clock stretch timeout


Not all data has been sent / received

#include <circle/i2cmaster.h>
class CI2CMaster
CI2CMaster::CI2CMaster(unsigned nDevice, boolean bFastMode = FALSE, unsigned nConfig = 0)

Creates a CI2CMaster object for I2C master nDevice (0-6), with configuration nConfig (0 or 1). See the mapping above for these parameters. The default I2C clock is 100 KHz or 400 KHz, if bFastMode is TRUE. This can be modified with SetClock() for a specific transfer.

boolean CI2CMaster::Initialize(void)

Initializes the CI2CMaster object. Usually called from CKernel::Initialize(). Returns TRUE, if the initialization was successful.

void CI2CMaster::SetClock(unsigned nClockSpeed)

Modifies the default clock before a specific transfer. nClockSpeed is the wanted I2C clock frequency in Hertz.

int CI2CMaster::Read(u8 ucAddress, void *pBuffer, unsigned nCount)

Reads nCount bytes from the I2C slave device with address ucAddress into pBuffer. Returns the number of read bytes or < 0 on failure. See the error codes above.

int CI2CMaster::Write(u8 ucAddress, const void *pBuffer, unsigned nCount)

Writes nCount bytes to the I2C slave device with address ucAddress from pBuffer. Returns the number of written bytes or < 0 on failure. See the error codes above.


This class is a driver for the I2C slave device. The GPIO pin mapping is as follows:

Raspberry Pi



1-3, Zero






#include <circle/i2cslave.h>
class CI2CSlave
CI2CSlave::CI2CSlave(u8 ucAddress)

Creates the CI2CSlave object and assigns the I2C address ucAddress.

boolean CI2CSlave::Initialize(void)

Initializes the CI2CSlave object. Usually called from CKernel::Initialize(). Returns TRUE, if the initialization was successful.

int CI2CSlave::Read(void *pBuffer, unsigned nCount)

Reads nCount bytes from the I2C master into pBuffer. Returns the number of read bytes or < 0 on failure.

int CI2CSlave::Write(const void *pBuffer, unsigned nCount)

Writes nCount bytes to the I2C master from pBuffer. Returns the number of written bytes or < 0 on failure.


The class CSPIMaster is a driver for SPI master devices, with these features:

  • SPI non-AUX devices only

  • Standard mode (3-wire) only

  • Chip select lines (CE0, CE1) are active low

  • Polled operation only

The GPIO pin mapping is as follows:














All boards


class CSPIMasterAUX









Raspberry Pi 4 only







Raspberry Pi 4 only







Raspberry Pi 4 only







Raspberry Pi 4 only

GPIO0 and GPIO1 are normally reserved for the ID EEPROM of hat boards.

#include <circle/spimaster.h>
class CSPIMaster
CSPIMaster::CSPIMaster(unsigned nClockSpeed = 500000, unsigned CPOL = 0, unsigned CPHA = 0, unsigned nDevice = 0)

Creates an CSPIMaster instance for access to SPI master nDevice (see table above), with default SPI clock frequency nClockSpeed in Hertz, clock polarity CPOL (0 or 1) and clock phase CPHA (0 or 1).

boolean CSPIMaster::Initialize(void)

Initializes the SPI master. Usually called from CKernel::Initialize(). Returns TRUE, if initialization was successful.

void CSPIMaster::SetClock(unsigned nClockSpeed)

Modifies the default SPI clock frequency before a specific transfer. nClockSpeed is the SPI clock frequency in Hertz. This method is not protected by an internal spin lock for multi-core operation.

void CSPIMaster::SetMode(unsigned CPOL, unsigned CPHA)

Modifies the default clock polarity / phase before a specific transfer. CPOL is the clock polarity (0 or 1) and CPHA is the clock phase (0 or 1). These parameters must match the SPI slave settings. This method is not protected by an internal spin lock for multi-core operation.

void CSPIMaster::SetCSHoldTime(unsigned nMicroSeconds)

Sets the additional time, CE# stays active after the transfer. The set value is valid for the next transfer only. Normally CE# goes inactive very soon after the transfer, this sets the additional time, CE# stays active.

int CSPIMaster::Read(unsigned nChipSelect, void *pBuffer, unsigned nCount)

Reads nCount bytes into pBuffer. Activates chip select nChipSelect (CE#, 0, 1 or ChipSelectNone). Returns the number of read bytes or < 0 on failure.

int CSPIMaster::Write(unsigned nChipSelect, const void *pBuffer, unsigned nCount)

Writes nCount bytes from pBuffer. Activates chip select nChipSelect (CE#, 0, 1 or ChipSelectNone). Returns the number of written bytes or < 0 on failure.

int CSPIMaster::WriteRead(unsigned nChipSelect, const void *pWriteBuffer, void *pReadBuffer, unsigned nCount)

Simultaneous writes and reads nCount bytes from pWriteBuffer and to pReadBuffer. Activates chip select nChipSelect (CE#, 0, 1 or ChipSelectNone). Returns the number of transferred bytes or < 0 on failure.


The class CSPIMasterAUX is a polling driver for the auxiliary SPI master (SPI1). The GPIO pin mapping is as follows:













The CE# signals are active low.

#include <circle/spimasteraux.h>
class CSPIMasterAUX
CSPIMasterAUX::CSPIMasterAUX(unsigned nClockSpeed = 500000)

Creates a CSPIMasterAUX object. Sets the default SPI clock frequency to nClockSpeed in Hertz.

boolean CSPIMasterAUX::Initialize(void)

Initializes the SPI1 AUX master. Usually called from CKernel::Initialize(). Returns TRUE, if initialization was successful.

void CSPIMasterAUX::SetClock(unsigned nClockSpeed)

Modifies the default SPI clock frequency before a specific transfer. nClockSpeed is the SPI clock frequency in Hertz. This method is not protected by an internal spin lock for multi-core operation.

int CSPIMasterAUX::Read(unsigned nChipSelect, void *pBuffer, unsigned nCount)

Reads nCount bytes into pBuffer. Activates chip select nChipSelect (CE#, 0, 1 or 2). Returns the number of read bytes or < 0 on failure.

int CSPIMasterAUX::Write(unsigned nChipSelect, const void *pBuffer, unsigned nCount)

Writes nCount bytes from pBuffer. Activates chip select nChipSelect (CE#, 0, 1 or 2). Returns the number of written bytes or < 0 on failure.

int CSPIMasterAUX::WriteRead(unsigned nChipSelect, const void *pWriteBuffer, void *pReadBuffer, unsigned nCount)

Simultaneous writes and reads nCount bytes from pWriteBuffer and to pReadBuffer. Activates chip select nChipSelect (CE#, 0, 1 or 2). Returns the number of transferred bytes or < 0 on failure.


The class CSPIMasterDMA is a driver for the SPI0 master device. It implements an asynchronous DMA operation. Optionally one can do synchronous polling transfers (e.g. for small amounts of data). The GPIO pin mapping of the SPI0 master device is as follows:











#include <circle/spimasterdma.h>
class CSPIMasterDMA
CSPIMasterDMA::CSPIMasterDMA(CInterruptSystem *pInterruptSystem, unsigned nClockSpeed = 500000, unsigned CPOL = 0, unsigned CPHA = 0, boolean bDMAChannelLite = TRUE)

Creates a CSPIMasterDMA object. Sets the default SPI clock frequency to nClockSpeed in Hertz, the clock polarity to CPOL (0 or 1) and the clock phase to CPHA (0 or 1). pInterruptSystem is a pointer to the interrupt system object. Set bDMAChannelLite to FALSE for very high speeds or transfer sizes >= 64K.

boolean CSPIMasterDMA::Initialize(void)

Initializes the SPI0 master. Usually called from CKernel::Initialize(). Returns TRUE, if initialization was successful.

void CSPIMasterDMA::SetClock(unsigned nClockSpeed)

Modifies the default SPI clock frequency before a specific transfer. nClockSpeed is the SPI clock frequency in Hertz.

void CSPIMasterDMA::SetMode(unsigned CPOL, unsigned CPHA)

Modifies the default clock polarity / phase before a specific transfer. CPOL is the clock polarity (0 or 1) and CPHA is the clock phase (0 or 1). These parameters must match the SPI slave settings.

void CSPIMasterDMA::SetCompletionRoutine(TSPICompletionRoutine *pRoutine, void *pParam)

Sets a completion routine pRoutine to be called, when the next transfer completes. pParam is a user parameter, which is handed over to the completion routine. The prototype of the completion routine looks like this:

void TSPICompletionRoutine (boolean bStatus, void *pParam);

bStatus is TRUE on success.

void CSPIMasterDMA::StartWriteRead(unsigned nChipSelect, const void *pWriteBuffer, void *pReadBuffer, unsigned nCount)

Starts a simultaneous write and read transfer of nCount bytes from pWriteBuffer and to pReadBuffer. Chip select nChipSelect (CE#, 0, 1 or ChipSelectNone) will be activated during the transfer. The buffers must be aligned to the size of a data-cache-line (see DMA buffers).

int CSPIMasterDMA::WriteReadSync(unsigned nChipSelect, const void *pWriteBuffer, void *pReadBuffer, unsigned nCount)

Simultaneous writes and reads nCount bytes from pWriteBuffer and to pReadBuffer. Activates chip select nChipSelect (CE#, 0, 1 or ChipSelectNone). Returns the number of transferred bytes or < 0 on failure. Synchronous (polled) operation for small amounts of data.


The class CSMIMaster is a driver for the Secondary Memory Interface (SMI) device of the Raspberry Pi. It supports the following features:

  • Drives any combination of SMI data lines (GPIO8 to GPIO25)

  • May also drive SMI address lines (GPIO0 to GPIO5)

  • Does not use SOE / SWE lines on GPIO6 / GPIO7

  • Read / Write operation in direct mode, or Write-only in DMA mode


One must first call CSMIMaster::SetupTiming() with suitable timing information. The device bank to use and the address to assert on the SAx lines may then optionally be set with CSMIMaster::SetDeviceAndAddress(). Then direct mode may be used with CSMIMaster::Read() or CSMIMaster::Write(), or for DMA mode one must first call CSMIMaster::SetupDMA() with a suitable buffer, then CSMIMaster::WriteDMA() to flush the buffer to SMI.

#include <circle/smimaster.h>
class CSMIMaster
CSMIMaster::CSMIMaster(unsigned nSDLinesMask = 0x3FFFF, boolean bUseAddressPins = TRUE)

Creates a CSMIMaster object. There can be only one. nSDLinesMask is a bit mask, which determines which SDx lines should be driven. For example (1 << 0) | (1 << 5) for SD0 (GPIO8) and SD5 (GPIO13). bUseAddressPins enables the use of the address pins GPIO0 to GPIO5, if it is set to TRUE.

unsigned CSMIMaster::GetSDLinesMask(void)

Returns the nSDLinesMask, handed over to the constructor.

void CSMIMaster::SetupTiming(TSMIDataWidth Width, unsigned nCycle_ns, unsigned nSetup, unsigned nStrobe, unsigned nHold, unsigned nPace, unsigned nDevice = 0)

Sets up the SMI cycle. nWidth is the length of the data bus (see below). nCycle_ns is the clock period for the setup/strobe/hold cycle (in nanoseconds). nSetup is the setup time, that is used to decode the address value (in units of nCycle_ns). nStrobe is the width of the strobe pulse, that triggers the transfer (in units of nCycle_ns). nHold is the hold time, that keeps the signals stable after the transfer (in units of nCycle_ns). nPace is the pace time in between two cycles (in units of nCycle_ns). nDevice is the settings bank to use (0 .. 3).

enum TSMIDataWidth

Values for specifying the width of the SMI data bus:

  • SMI8Bits

  • SMI9Bits

  • SMI16Bits

  • SMI18Bits

void CSMIMaster::SetupDMA(void *pDMABuffer, unsigned nLength)

Sets up DMA for (potentially multiple) SMI cycles of data from the buffer pDMABuffer (must be DMA-aligned). nLength is the length of the buffer in bytes.

void CSMIMaster::SetDeviceAndAddress(unsigned nDevice, unsigned nAddr)

Defines the device and address to use for the next Read/Write operation. nDevice is the settings bank to use (0 .. 3). nAddr is the value to be asserted on the address pins SAx.

unsigned CSMIMaster::Read(void)

Issues a single SMI read cycle from the SDx lines, and returns the read value.

void CSMIMaster::Write(unsigned nValue)

Issues a single SMI write cycle, i.e. writes the value nValue to the (enabled) SDx lines.

void CSMIMaster::WriteDMA(boolean bWaitForCompletion)

Triggers a DMA transfer of a few cycles with the buffer/length specified in SetupDMA(). bWaitForCompletion specifies whether to wait for DMA completion before returning.


This class switches the (green) Act(ivity) LED on or off. It automatically determines the Raspberry Pi model to use the right LED pin for the model.

#include <circle/actled.h>
class CActLED
CActLED::CActLED(boolean bSafeMode = FALSE)

Creates the CActLED object. Safe mode works with LEDs connected to GPIO expander and chain boot, but is not as quick.

void CActLED::On(void)

Switches the Act LED on.

void CActLED::Off(void)

Switches the Act LED off.

void CActLED::Blink(unsigned nCount, unsigned nTimeOnMs = 200, unsigned nTimeOffMs = 500)

Blinks the Act LED nCount times. The LED is nTimeOnMs milliseconds on and nTimeOffMs milliseconds off.

static CActLED *CActLED::Get(void)

Returns a pointer to the single CActLED instance in the system (if any).